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Follow Barry Donadio the Sergeant at Arms of the Maryland Republican Party. MDGOP
On June 23rd 2022, Conservative Republican Politician Barry Donadio endorsed Dr. Andy Harris for U.S. Congress in Maryland’s 1st District for the 2022 election.
One thing is for sure, Donadio likes conservative Republicans who protect the second amendment and fight for the police and a strong U.S. Military. He also backs pro-life politicians like Andy Harris.
Donadio said: I will be voting for and fully supporting Dr. Andy Harris for U.S. Congress for Maryland’s District 1 on election day.”
Donadio always described Dr. Andy Harris as a people’s Congressmen that is focused on providing the best service to all the people he represents in his district.
“ I have seen him with my own eyes zealously defend attacks on the second amendment, pro-life and our law enforcement.” I have also seen him do everything in his power to assist veterans and fight for their rights.” said Donadio.
Donadio is encouraging all his supporters to assist the Harris campaign and make a contribution.
On June 23rd 2022, Republican Politician Barry Donadio endorsed Nicolee Ambrose She is running in Maryland’s 2nd district for U.S. Congress.
Barry Donadio said, “We need a true conservative Republican elected to such an important Congressional seat. We do not need a Republican in name only. I am fully confident that Ambrose will represent the people of Maryland with strong leadership and fairness for all”
“Ambrose has been a supporter of the minority community and has always stood for justice for all. She will put victims before criminals and bring law and order back to Maryland”
In June 2019, Ambrose arranged and supported a visit from Dr. Alveda King to Maryland. King reached out to minorities in order to successfully build relationships between them and the Maryland Republican Party.
Donadio also said “Ambrose continues to bring positivity and professionalism to the Republican Party through her leadership. She continues to be a person who constantly works to improve party policies and relationships. Her devotion and ability to mentor other Republicans is another one of her many wonderful traits. Many have benefited by her expertise.”
Donadio served as the Sergeant at Arms of the Maryland Republican Party MDGOP since 2017. Donadio is not the only Sergeant at Arms that has endorsed Ambrose for her Congressional race in 2022. Chris Fiora who served as the MDGOP Sergeant at Arms prior to Donadio has also endorsed Ambrose and pledged his support.
Donadio stated that Ambrose is the right choice for Maryland if they want to make Maryland taxes lower, increase opportunity and have justice for all.
Barry Donadio Sgt at Arms MDGOP
#donadio #ambrose #barrydonadio #nicoleeambrose #maryland #2nd #district #congress #endosement #endorsed #sgt #sergeantstarms #mdgop #primary #general #election #campaign #republican #conservative
On April 17th 2020, President Donald J. Trump endorsed Nicolee Ambrose for Republican National Committee Maryland National Committeewoman for the May 2020 election.
In a letter sent to the Maryland Republican Party (MDGOP) Trump wrote:
“Nicolee Ambrose has been a strong supporter and has my endorsement for re-election”
Trump’s endorsement of Nicolee Ambrose
Ambrose has received an overwhelming amount of of endorsements from conservative Maryland Republicans.
On April 17th 2020, the Sergeant at Arms of the Maryland Republican Party, Barry Donadio endorsed Ambrose.
Donadio’s endorsement follows the endorsement of Ambrose by Republican National Committeeman for Maryland David Bossie on April 7th 2020. Bossie also served as President Trump’s Deputy Campaign Manager.
One day before Donadio’s endorsement of Nicolee, the entire Harford County Maryland Republican Central Committee endorsed Ambrose.
“The endorsements for Ambrose keep coming in” said Donadio.
On April 22nd 2020, the Chairperson of the Maryland Young Republicans, Maria Sophia released a video endorsement of Ambrose.
Donadio predicts that Ambrose will get re-elected by overwhelming vote.
On January 12th, 2019, Republican Politician Barry Donadio released a powerful pro-American statement on his official Facebook page.
“I support our democratically elected President Donald Trump. I support the construction of the wall along the entire border of Mexico. I support this for the protection of the people of the United States. My 1st priority is the people of the United States before anyone else. I support the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) and the performance of their duties. I support all United States Law Enforcement Agencies. I support our Armed Forces members and their families that have sacrificed so much. I support the United States flag and the displaying of it. I support, protect and defend the United States Constitution and all of its amendments. I support that all men and women are created equal under the auspices of our constitution. I support, protect and defend the great people of a great nation, the United States of America.”
Multiple Maryland Politicians Are Being Protected By Public Security LLC Executive Protection Staff Across The State
Politics can be a dangerous buisness these days. Whether it be an annoying heckler, a lunatic, a person with a grudge or a trained assassin, Politicians are in danger and are becoming more and more aware of the need for their personal security.
Politicians on a local level should be safe. Right? Not according to Barry Donadio, the President of Public Security LLC and a former member of the U.S. Secret Service.
Donadio says that all Politicians need to have at least one Private Detective assigned as their Bodyguard during political events and at any time the Politician have a concern.
The escalation in violence in the United States and the rise in copycat attacks on Politicians drawns concern to Donadio.
“We currently protect multiple local, middle and upper level Politicians”, according to Donadio. He won’t say who they protect becasue of the strict confidentiality that he enforces in order to add to the level of security of their clients.
“Their is security created within the secrecy of no one knowing our current clients” said Donadio.
Public Security LLC did reveal that they protected Alveda King, the niece or Dr. Martin Luther King long after their coverage had concluded back in December 2016.
The Honorable Dionel M. Aviles has endorsed Barry Donadio in his race to be a Queen Anne’s County Commissioner in Maryland. Donadio faces a contested primary against two other Republicans for a seat where — the incumbent is not seeking office again. The primary election is on June 26th 2018. Once Mr. Donadio beats his two opponents, he will run against a candidate from the Democratic Party.
Mr. Aviles served as the Under Secretary of the United States Navy from 2004 to 2009. He also served a short term as acting Secretary of the Navy.
Donadio and Aviles have become friends since then and share many of the same interests.
“Mr. Aviles is a great man who has served our country with distinction. I sincerly appreciate his graceful endorsement.” said Donadio.
A former member of the U.S. Secret Service that protected President Bush and Obama at the White House is warning against Maryland’s HB 1302 “Red Flag” bill.
Barry Donadio is a former member of the U.S Secret Service, that is a current Candidate for Queen Anne’s County Commissioner in Maryland. He is pro second amendment and an advocate for gun owner rights.
He is opposed to a new law that would potentially rip guns from Marylander’s based on a very low threshhold of evidence. Actually, the preponderance of evidence to be exact.
That means only 1% more evidence than the opposing side. Just like small claims court. You won’t get your guns taken from you on a beyond a reasonable doubt ruling.
Under HB 1302, it appears that all anyone has to do is testify or potentially lie to the court and then, based on the testimony or potential lie, the court will issue an interim order.
Then you will be required to surrender ALL of your firearms immediately to local Police.
The order may temporarily strip you of your guns, potentially destroy your character, potentialy prevent you from obtaining a pistol permit and almost certainly flag you when you are having an employment background conducted. It will most likey also show up on a search of your name on the Maryland Case File Judiciary Lookup website. All can be based on a fraudulent accusation.
Donadio was quoted and cited the following concerns:
“In my opinion, HB 1302 undermines the U.S. Constitution by denying two constitutional rights, due process and the right to bear arms”
“HB 1302 is potentially the new way to destroy someone’s credibility and assassinate their character as well as their good standing in the community with a false claim. “
“HB 1302 is a sanctioned disarming of the population, one by one with the lowest standard of proof required to do the dirty deed.”
“HB 1302 gives birth to the potential of a new modern day Salem Witch Hunt, reincarnated in the womb by the anti-gun movement”
“I highly doubt HB 1302 will ever stop any gun violence just like the 100+ other gun laws in effect that didn’t stop any gun violence.”
“I find it more probable that this HB1302 will potentially destroy the lives of law abiding gun owners and violate their constitutional rights when false accusations are made”
“ HB 1302 gives another victory to the criminal element, America’s enemies and liberal extremists everywhere.”
On October 4th 2017, Committeeman Barry Donadio filed candidacy to be re-elected to the Queen Anne’s County Republican Central Committee in Maryland.
Committeeman Donadio was originally elected to the Queen Anne’s County Republican Central Committee in June 2014. He has served his full term as a Committeeman for the past 4 years with zeal.
The Republican Central Committee consists of elected or appointed members which are all Officers of the Republican Party.
Committeeman Donadio promoted the cause of good government by enlisting the support of citizens for the Republican Party, worked important Republican events in the county and supported Conservative Republicans.
He endorsed two heavy hitting Conservative Republicans. One being Nicolee Ambrose, who was subsequently elected as Maryland’s National Committeewoman of the Republican National Committee. Donadio also endorsed David Bossie who also became a Maryland National Committeeman and later worked as a Deputy Campaign Manager for President Donald Trump.
Under his nominating authority, Donadio and his current Republican Central Committee had nominated for appointment, one County Commissioner, two Board of Elections Members, multiple Members of the Republican Central Committee and a Member of the Board of Education.
Core Republican values like the cutting taxes, creating jobs, protecting the Second Amendment, supporting Veterans, Police and First Responders have been Donadio’s priorities.
Committeeman Donadio welcomes all county residents to meet with him and exchange thoughts on improving Queen Anne’s County and expectations of the Republican Party. He would also like to hear from those interested in taking roles in the Party. “We need Volunteers and supporters with new ideas to keep the Republican Party in our county robust and effective.” said Donadio. He also encourages informed and intelligent Republicans to run for office even if they have no experience doing so.
On September 9th 2017, Mr. Donadio announced that he was seriously considering a filing candidacy for Queen Anne’s County Board of Education. Donadio stated that is still a possibility. Citizens are permitted to be a Candidate for Republican Central Committee and another public office at the same time.
Barry Donadio has been a resident of Queen Anne’s County for over 13 years. He led an honorable career in the Volunteer Ambulance Service, Volunteer Fire Department, the Military, Law Enforcement, and the United States Secret Service. He was assigned to the White House during the Bush and Obama Administrations. He also served in multiple Middle Eastern war zones during his career. In 2013, he published the book “ TWA Flight 800 First Responder Witness Account”. This is an account describing his actions during the rescue of TWA Flight 800 on July 17th 1996. In 2014, he was elected to the Queen Anne’s County Republican Central Committee in Maryland. He currently serves as President of Public Security LLC, which is a high end private security, executive protection and investigation firm licensed in Maryland and New York. In January 2017, he was appointed the Sergeant At Arms of the Maryland Republican Party by the Honorable Dirk Haire, Chair of the MDGOP.
Barry Donadio Former U.S. Secret Service (Photo by Christy Bowe)
Barry Donadio gave remarks on the 2nd Amendment on June 26th to Republican constituents in Salisbury, Maryland. The Wicomico County Republican Club of Maryland hosted his appearance and discussion on the 2nd Amendment. The event was held at the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce located at 144 East Main Street in Salisbury, Maryland.
Donadio speaks on the 2nd Amendment at the Wicomico Republican Club (Photo by Matthew Abbott)
Donadio said "Our Second Amendment rights are an individual right and not for only those serving in the military." During his talk, Donadio expressed his belief that the Second Amendment is a women's rights issue. He said "Every female U.S. Citizen over the age of 18 and without a serious criminal history should have the unrestricted right to carry a concealed handgun on their person for self defense." Donadio also cited the findings of the Supreme Court ruling "District of Columbia v. Heller", which supports limiting infringements to the Second Amendment.
Donadio told constituents to never give up protecting the rights of the Second Amendment as it is an amendment that safeguards our liberties. Donadio advised the group to legally and safely exercise Second Amendment rights as the U.S. Constitution grants us to.
The presentation was very well received by what appeared to be a Pro-Second Amendment audience. In attendance, were the President of the Wicomico County Republican Club Shawn Bradley, Maryland State Delegate Johnny Mautz, Wicomico Republican Central Committeewoman Julie Brewington, Maryland State Senator Addie Eckardt, Maryland State Circuit Court Judge Matthew A. Maciarello and the first female Police Chief of Salisbury, Barbara Duncan.
Senator Addie Eckardt and Barry Donadio (Photo by Matthew Abbott)
Mr. Donadio said; " I appreciate the hospitality of the Wicomico Republican Club President Shawn Bradley."
Barry Donadio and the Wicomico Republican Club President Shawn Bradley
Barry Donadio led an honorable career in the Volunteer Ambulance Service, Volunteer Fire Department, the Military, Law Enforcement, and the United States Secret Service. He was assigned to the White House during the Bush and Obama Administrations. He also served in multiple Middle Eastern war zones during his career. In 2013, he authored the book " TWA Flight 800 First Responder Witness Account". In 2014, he was elected to the Queen Anne's County Republican Central Committee in Maryland. He currently serves as President of Public Security LLC. He is also a Maryland State Police certified pistol instructor that offered free training for the entire MDGOP. In January 2017, he was appointed the Sergeant At Arms of the Maryland Republican Party. Donadio has publicly taken strong stances on the Second Amendment. He has also supported and endorsed Pro-Second Amendment Republican Politicians and candidates for office in recent years.