Showing posts with label Conservative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conservative. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Barry Donadio Wins Election In Maryland

During Maryland’s primary election held on May 14th 2024, Barry Donadio was elected to the prestigious position of Alternate Delegate to the Republican National Convention. He obtained over 50,000 votes from Republicans in the 1st congressional district of Maryland. During Maryland’s primary vote held on May 14th 2024, voters in the 1st congressional district saw Barry Donadio on the ballot. Donadio had (Trump) next to his name on the ballot to let Republican voters decide who they want as the next Republican Presidential Candidate to be. Donadio has been endorsed by the Trump campaign to cast his vote at the RNC convention in Milwaukee June 2024. Out of over 700,000 persons residing in the congressional district only three official Trump Delegates and three official Trump Alternate Delegates. have been personally selected by the Trump Campaign. Now that he has been elected, Donadio and 5 other Delegates will travel to the Republican National Convention to cast their pledged vote for Donald Trump in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 15th thru July 18th 2024. Donadio was first elected to the Queen Anne’s County, Maryland Republican Central Committee in 2014. He successfully served his four year term staying true to conservative values. In 2017, Donadio was appointed at the Sergeant At Arms of the Maryland Republican Party by the Honorable Dirk Haire, Chair of the MDGOP. In 2023, Donadio was reappointed as the Sergeant At Arms of the MDGOP by the Honorable Nicole Beus Harris, Chair of the MDGOP. He presently serves the Maryland Republican Party in this capacity. Barry Donadio has served as the Sergeant at Arms of the MDGOP since 2017

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Barry Donadio Endorses Andy Harris For U.S. Congress in Maryland’s 1st District 2022

On June 23rd 2022, Conservative Republican Politician Barry Donadio endorsed Dr. Andy Harris for U.S. Congress in Maryland’s 1st District for the 2022 election. One thing is for sure, Donadio likes conservative Republicans who protect the second amendment and fight for the police and a strong U.S. Military. He also backs pro-life politicians like Andy Harris. Donadio said: I will be voting for and fully supporting Dr. Andy Harris for U.S. Congress for Maryland’s District 1 on election day.” Donadio always described Dr. Andy Harris as a people’s Congressmen that is focused on providing the best service to all the people he represents in his district. “ I have seen him with my own eyes zealously defend attacks on the second amendment, pro-life and our law enforcement.” I have also seen him do everything in his power to assist veterans and fight for their rights.” said Donadio. Donadio is encouraging all his supporters to assist the Harris campaign and make a contribution.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Barry Donadio will speak on the 2nd Amendment In Ellicott City, Maryland

Barry Donadio will speak on the 2nd Amendment to the Howard County Republican Women on February 15th 2022 at 7pm. Bare Bones Grill & Bar, Ellicott City, Maryland. For more information go to:

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Republican Politician Barry Donadio Endorses Dr. Andy Harris For U.S. Congressman in Maryland 2020

Congressman Andy Harris and wife Nicole pose for a photo with Barry Donadio (Photo by Phil Tran)

On May 3rd 2020, Conservative Republican Politician Barry Donadio endorsed Dr. Andy Harris for U.S. Congress in Maryland’s 1st District for the 2020 election. Donadio also endorsed Mrs. Nicole Beus Harris for Alt. Delegate to the Republican National Committee in District 1.
One thing is for sure, Donadio likes conservative Republicans who protect the second amendment and fight for a strong U.S. Military. He also backs pro-life politicians.
On May 3rd 2020 Donadio said: “I just got done filling out my mail in primary election ballot. I am happy to announce that I voted for and fully support Dr. Andy Harris for Representative in U.S. Congress for Maryland’s District 1.”
In addition, Donadio said: “I back Nicole Beus Harris. That is why I am proudly voting for her for Alternate Delegate to the Republican National Convention District 1.”
Donadio described Dr. Andy Harris as a people’s Congressmen that is focused on providing the best service to the people he represents in his district.
“ I have seen him with my own eyes zealously defend attacks on the second amendment.” I have also seen him do everything in his power to assist veterans and fight for their rights.” said Donadio.
Donadio is encouraging all his supporters to assist the Harris campaign and make a contrabution.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Donadio Endorses Nicolee Ambrose for RNC Maryland National Committeewoman 2020

Nicolee Ambrose and Barry Donadio Decemebr 2019 (Photo by Phil Tran)

On April 17th 2020, Republican Politician and Trump Advocate Barry Donadio endorsed Nicolee Ambrose for Republican National Committee Maryland National Committeewoman for the May 2020 election.
Barry Donadio said, “We need a true conservative Republican elected to such a prestigious position, not a Republican in name only.”

“Ambrose has been a strong supporter of the second amendment and has always supported pro-life efforts. She founded the Maryland GOP’s successful “Super Saturday Program,” which is a powerful tool to electing Republicans.”

In June 2019, Ambrose arranged and supported a visit from Dr. Alveda King to Maryland. King reached out to minorities in order to build relationships between them and the Maryland Republican Party.
Donadio also said “Ambrose continues to bring positivity and professionalism to the Republican Party. She continues to be a person who constantly works to improve party policies and relationships. Her devotion and ability to mentor other Republicans is another one of her many wonderful traits. Many have benefited by her expertise.”
Donadio’s endorsement follows the endorsement of Ambrose by Republican National Committeeman for Maryland David Bossie on April 7th 2020. Bossie also served as President Trump’s Deputy Campaign Manager.
One day before Donadio’s endorsement of Nicolee, the entire Harford County Maryland Republican Central Committee endorsed Ambrose.
Donadio is predicting Ambrose will be receiving some huge endorsements very soon. Ambrose will also receive tremendous support from Conservative Republicans state-wide as well as from Donadio supporters.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Former Deputy Under Secretary Of The U.S. Army Endorses Barry Donadio

Former Deputy Under Secretary of the U.S. Army Amie Hoeber

On April 23rd 2018 the Former Deputy Under Secretary of the United States Army appointed by Ronald Reagan, endorsed Barry Donadio for his political race to be a Commissioner in Queen Anne’s County, Maryland.
Amie Hoeber has endorsed Barry Donadio in his race to be a Queen Anne’s County Commissioner in Maryland. Donadio faces a contested primary against two other Republicans for a seat where — the incumbent is not seeking office again. The primary election is on June 26th 2018. Once Mr. Donadio beats his two opponents, he will run against a candidate from the Democratic Party.
Hoeber is currently a leading candidate for U.S Congress in Maryland’s 6th Congressional District for the 2018 election. She too faces a primary against other Republicans, but is clearly in the lead.
Both Hoeber and Donadio strongly oppose the establishment of sanctuary cities in Maryland and have both made public statements to that effect.
Barry Donadio (Photo by Matthew Abbott)
Donadio is a full supporter of Amie Hoeber and is expected to publicly endorse her soon.
Donadio stated “ I am deeply honored by Hoeber’s endorsement of my campaign. It truely means a lot to me.”
The two share an interesting commonality dating back to the 1980’s. They share both a service and an admiration for the U.S. Army. Hoeber was the Deputy Under Secretary of the U.S. Army from 1981 to 1987. Donadio joined the Army National Guard in 1987 and went on to serve in the Air National Guard and U.S. Secret Service.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Congressman Harris to Host Constituent Town Hall Meeting In Wicomico County, Maryland

November 3, 2017
Congressman Harris to Host Constituent Town Hall Meeting
WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) will host a town hall meeting to answer constituent questions about the newly-introduced Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and other topics under consideration in Congress. All residents of Maryland’s First District are welcome to attend the event and ask questions.
Date: November 11, 2017
Time: 4:00 – 5:00 PM
Location: Wicomico High School Auditorium,
201 Long Avenue, Salisbury, MD 21804
Parking and the auditorium entrance are located on the Glen Avenue side of the school. For questions about the event, please contact Congressman Harris’ Washington, DC office at 202-225-5311.