Thursday, September 27, 2018

Multiple Maryland Politicians Are Being Protected By Public Security LLC Executive Protection Staff

Multiple Maryland Politicians Are Being Protected By Public Security LLC Executive Protection Staff Across The State
Politics can be a dangerous buisness these days. Whether it be an annoying heckler, a lunatic, a person with a grudge or a trained assassin, Politicians are in danger and are becoming more and more aware of the need for their personal security.
Politicians on a local level should be safe. Right? Not according to Barry Donadio, the President of Public Security LLC and a former member of the U.S. Secret Service.
Donadio says that all Politicians need to have at least one Private Detective assigned as their Bodyguard during political events and at any time the Politician have a concern.
The escalation in violence in the United States and the rise in copycat attacks on Politicians drawns concern to Donadio.
“We currently protect multiple local, middle and upper level Politicians”, according to Donadio. He won’t say who they protect becasue of the strict confidentiality that he enforces in order to add to the level of security of their clients.
“Their is security created within the secrecy of no one knowing our current clients” said Donadio.
Public Security LLC did reveal that they protected Alveda King, the niece or Dr. Martin Luther King long after their coverage had concluded back in December 2016.
Staff | Public Security LLC

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Donadio To Push For Bold Traffic Control Measures In Queen Anne’s County

Barry Donadio at a forum on Kent Island June 2018 (Photo by Jen Minor)
Barry Donadio is a Candidate for Queen Anne’s County Commissioner that wants to hire Traffic Control and Enforcement Officers to deal with traffic epidemic.
If you are a resident of Queen Anne’s County in Maryland, you are no stranger to the traffic issues there. Residents have become prisoners in their own homes becasue they can not even drive a mere one mile to get to a supermarket because of unmanaged traffic.
The traffic apparently stems from some of the over development on the Kent Island portion of the county.
Weekend vacationers from Virgina, Washington D.C. and Western Maryland all drive across the bridge spaning over the Cheasapeake Bay to get to their final destination. The destinations that they are mostly traveling to are Ocean City Maryland, Rehoboth and Bethany Beaches in Delaware. From Memorial day all the way to Labor day, the traffic is unbearable for county residents. Not to mention, the other routine thing that create traffic jams like motor vehicle accidents and road construction.
Many county residents simply feel like they have been abandoned by the political leadership in the county. Many have praised Maryland Governor Larry Hogan’s steps to help. He lowered the toll fees for the Bay Bridge and added a fourth Eastbound lane on the Route 50 portion of the Severn River Bridge. He also expanded Route 404 on Maryland’s Eastern shore. Bold steps like these have made a difference in the everyday life of many county residents that commute outside of the county for work and lesire.
Then, there is the matter of potentially overdeveloping the Kent Island area of the county. On Kent Island, the roads and infrasturcture are already overburded. Adding another housing development without extremely cautious planning and preperation can lead to disaster for county drivers.
More homes and or condos equal more cars, which will lead to more traffic.
Residents have increasingly become irrate because it appears that there has not been aduqute measures put in place to manage the traffic.
The traffic problems amoung other issues have been up for debate in this years election being held on June 26th. The contested primary race for Commissioner in District 3, which incorporates parts of Kent Island and Grasonville has been competitive.
Barry Donadio who is a Candidate for this very position is offering to bring new ideas to the table and do as he said “ Challenge the status quo.” Donadio wants to push for some interesting methods to manage the traffic that doesn’t seem to have been discussed in the past.
He wants to create an entire division of county Traffic Control Officers to deal specifically with traffic management.
All with their own patrol vehicles equipped with emergency lights to use in performance of their duties of traffic control . These Officers would be part-time and or on call for times when they are needed.
Donadio said “ I have seen many times when if there were simply a person directing traffic on a county road, the travel time would have been cut in half for commuters.” Donadio also said that his idea is a start in fixing the problem and is a step in the right direction.
He also wants to train the existing county Park Rangers for traffic management applications and use the Rangers for traffic control during gridlock scenaros.
Donadio says he will be meeting with all the county Fire Department Chiefs and see how he can work with them to add more Fire Police to their departments. These designated Fire Police Officers may be able to also assist with traffic management when needed at accident scenes and free up State Troopers and our County Deputies to do law enforcement duties.
Donadio is interested in working with the Sheriff to possibly increase funding to the Sheriff’s Department and exploring the possibily of having county Auxiliary Deputies assist more frequently with traffic gridlock.
Donadio offered this statement “ We can no longer ignore the immense traffic issues that our county faces. I am going to impose bold measures to manage the traffic so residents can traverse our roadways more freely and safely”.
Blame is often pointed at State Officials because many of the traffic clogged roads are state roads. The county is powerless to do anything about the traffic on state roads. Donadio does not think that the county should keel over and play dead on the subject of traffic and he states he will push hard for solutions from the State.
During a recent forum Donadio publicly stated that he would fight the rumored 3rd Bay Bridge spanning to Kent Island and he would begin fighting it immediately.

Friday, May 4, 2018

The Former Under Secretary Of The U.S. Navy Endorses Barry Donadio

The Honorable Dionel M. Aviles and Barry Donadio

Barry Donadio received another big endorsement for his political race for Queen Anne’s County Commissioner. This time, the endorsement came from the former Under Secretary of the United States Navy, Dionel M. Aviles.
The Honorable Dionel M. Aviles has endorsed Barry Donadio in his race to be a Queen Anne’s County Commissioner in Maryland. Donadio faces a contested primary against two other Republicans for a seat where — the incumbent is not seeking office again. The primary election is on June 26th 2018. Once Mr. Donadio beats his two opponents, he will run against a candidate from the Democratic Party.
Mr. Aviles served as the Under Secretary of the United States Navy from 2004 to 2009. He also served a short term as acting Secretary of the Navy.
Donadio and Aviles have become friends since then and share many of the same interests.
“Mr. Aviles is a great man who has served our country with distinction. I sincerly appreciate his graceful endorsement.” said Donadio.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Former Deputy Under Secretary Of The U.S. Army Endorses Barry Donadio

Former Deputy Under Secretary of the U.S. Army Amie Hoeber

On April 23rd 2018 the Former Deputy Under Secretary of the United States Army appointed by Ronald Reagan, endorsed Barry Donadio for his political race to be a Commissioner in Queen Anne’s County, Maryland.
Amie Hoeber has endorsed Barry Donadio in his race to be a Queen Anne’s County Commissioner in Maryland. Donadio faces a contested primary against two other Republicans for a seat where — the incumbent is not seeking office again. The primary election is on June 26th 2018. Once Mr. Donadio beats his two opponents, he will run against a candidate from the Democratic Party.
Hoeber is currently a leading candidate for U.S Congress in Maryland’s 6th Congressional District for the 2018 election. She too faces a primary against other Republicans, but is clearly in the lead.
Both Hoeber and Donadio strongly oppose the establishment of sanctuary cities in Maryland and have both made public statements to that effect.
Barry Donadio (Photo by Matthew Abbott)
Donadio is a full supporter of Amie Hoeber and is expected to publicly endorse her soon.
Donadio stated “ I am deeply honored by Hoeber’s endorsement of my campaign. It truely means a lot to me.”
The two share an interesting commonality dating back to the 1980’s. They share both a service and an admiration for the U.S. Army. Hoeber was the Deputy Under Secretary of the U.S. Army from 1981 to 1987. Donadio joined the Army National Guard in 1987 and went on to serve in the Air National Guard and U.S. Secret Service.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Barry Donadio, Former Secret Service, Warns Against Maryland’s HB 1302 “Red Flag Bill”

Barry Donadio

A former member of the U.S. Secret Service that protected President Bush and Obama at the White House is warning against Maryland’s HB 1302 “Red Flag” bill.
Barry Donadio is a former member of the U.S Secret Service, that is a current Candidate for Queen Anne’s County Commissioner in Maryland. He is pro second amendment and an advocate for gun owner rights.
He is opposed to a new law that would potentially rip guns from Marylander’s based on a very low threshhold of evidence. Actually, the preponderance of evidence to be exact.
That means only 1% more evidence than the opposing side. Just like small claims court. You won’t get your guns taken from you on a beyond a reasonable doubt ruling.
Under HB 1302, it appears that all anyone has to do is testify or potentially lie to the court and then, based on the testimony or potential lie, the court will issue an interim order.
Then you will be required to surrender ALL of your firearms immediately to local Police.
The order may temporarily strip you of your guns, potentially destroy your character, potentialy prevent you from obtaining a pistol permit and almost certainly flag you when you are having an employment background conducted. It will most likey also show up on a search of your name on the Maryland Case File Judiciary Lookup website. All can be based on a fraudulent accusation.
Donadio was quoted and cited the following concerns:
“In my opinion, HB 1302 undermines the U.S. Constitution by denying two constitutional rights, due process and the right to bear arms”
“HB 1302 is potentially the new way to destroy someone’s credibility and assassinate their character as well as their good standing in the community with a false claim. “
“HB 1302 is a sanctioned disarming of the population, one by one with the lowest standard of proof required to do the dirty deed.”
“HB 1302 gives birth to the potential of a new modern day Salem Witch Hunt, reincarnated in the womb by the anti-gun movement”
“I highly doubt HB 1302 will ever stop any gun violence just like the 100+ other gun laws in effect that didn’t stop any gun violence.”
“I find it more probable that this HB1302 will potentially destroy the lives of law abiding gun owners and violate their constitutional rights when false accusations are made”
“ HB 1302 gives another victory to the criminal element, America’s enemies and liberal extremists everywhere.”

Monday, April 16, 2018

“Not On My Watch” Says Donadio To Queen Anne’s County Becoming Sanctuary County

Barry Donadio Candidate for Queen Anne's County Commissioner in Maryland

On April 3rd 2018, Barry Donadio stated that he would not support any actions to make Queen Anne’s County, Maryland a sanctuary county for illegal immigrants.
Barry Donadio is a Candidate for Commissioner of Queen Anne’s County Maryland that strongly opposes sactuary cities in the United States.
Donadio said that he wanted to set the record strait on where he stands against sanctuary cities.
Queen Anne’s County will not become a sactuary county on my watch”, said Donadio.
Donadio said that there aren't any sactuary cities for Americans in other countries and he questions why there would be sactuary cities in the United States for illegal aliens to seek refuge.
Donadio said he would vote against any move towards a sanctuary status that crosses his desk.
“I do believe that there should be a path for those seeking citizenship such as military service or academic service to the United States. “ Donadio commented.
Donadio had an extensive law enforcement career that included the United States Secret Service. He is a supporter of immigration enforcement in Queen Anne’s County.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Donadio Says "No Way" To SB344, Non U.S. Citizens To Police Americans

Barry Donadio, Republican

Barry Donadio, a Maryland Republican Politician is opposed to Maryland Senate Bill 344. It gives the ability for Permanent Resident Foreign Nationals with no U.S. Citizenship to become Police Officers in Maryland. 
I am stongly opposed to a law that will give the ability for a non-U.S. Citizen to become a Law Enforcement Officer and have the authority to arrest U.S. Citizens.” said Donadio. 
Maryland’s Senate Bill 344 seems to do just that. After serving 4 years in the U.S. Military, the bill will permit the Maryland Police Training and Stadards Commission to potientally ceritify them as Police Officers. 
Donadio stated that he asked numerous active Maryland Police Officers their opinions about the bill and every Officer was against it. 
“It is a bad idea” Donadio implied. ” I am not comfortable with a non-U.S. citizen having the authority of arresting any American citizen.” “ Dump this bill.”
“ I question if SB344 is even constitutionally sound and which Americans whould benefit from it. ” 
Donadio’s stance is that the bill will only work to undermine the trust between the civilian populace and law enforcement. The bill will mostly lead to a hiring preference for those who are non-citizens over Americans that are applying for Police Officer positions. Donadio also questions if a permanent resident will practice the same discretion as our current Police Officers that are U.S. citizens. It may also turn policing into services offered by the lowest bidder. In theory, the bill legally sets the stage to potentially have an all non-U.S. citizen police department. 
Donadio does endorse and appreciate those permanent residents that are serving in our armed forces. He believes this is a path to citizenship and an act he respects on the part of those seeking citizenship. “But they are not arresting Americans in this capacity.” Donadio said. That is why he is against making them a Police Officer prior to obtaining U.S. citizenship. 
Donadio received some resistance on his stance aganst SB344. Some citing that non-U.S. citizens serve in the Fire Departments in Maryland. Donadio’s stance is that he has no issue with them serving in that capacity becasue they are not placing Americans under arrest. 
Donadio is encouring Police fraternal orginazations and concerned citizens to speak out against this bill immediatly.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Barry Donadio On The Ballot For Queen Anne’s County Commissioner In 2018

Barry Donadio

On November 15th 2017, Barry Donadio filed his candidacy to run for Queen Anne’s County Commissioner of District 3 in Maryland.
Barry Donadio files to run for Commissioner
Barry Donadio says he is running for Commissioner because he wants to fix unemployment in the county by obtaining medium wage jobs for residents. He wants to prevent new taxes from being created and stop tax increases. He is also looking to take steps to fix the burdensome traffic problems in Queen Anne’s County.
Donadio has been a resident of Queen Anne’s County for over 13 years. He has two sons and four daughters. Two of his daughters are currently enrolled in Queen Anne’s County schools. He also has two Grandsons and one Granddaughter.
His core values have always been cutting taxes, creating jobs, cutting wasteful spending, protecting the second amendment, and supporting veterans along with our first responders.
Donadio welcomes all county residents to meet with him and exchange ideas on improving Queen Anne’s County and how he can best serve them.
Donadio led an honorable career in the volunteer ambulance service, volunteer fire department, the military, law enforcement, and the United States Secret Service. He was assigned to the White House during the Bush and Obama Administrations. He also served in multiple Middle Eastern war zones during his career. In 2013, he published the book “ TWA Flight 800 First Responder Witness Account”. This is an account describing his actions during the rescue of TWA Flight 800 on July 17th 1996. In 2014, he was elected to the Queen Anne’s County Republican Central Committee in Maryland. He currently serves as President of Public Security LLC, which is a high end private security and investigation firm licensed in Maryland, New York and the District of Columbia. In January 2017, he was appointed the Sergeant At Arms of the Maryland Republican Party.