Friday, September 15, 2017

Barry Donadio Is Considering A Run For Board Of Education In 2018

Barry Donadio 2017 (Photo by Matthew Abbott)
Barry Donadio says he is considering campaigning for an At-Large seat on the Queen Anne's County Board of Education in Maryland.
Mr. Donadio is a loving and devoted father to his six children. His two youngest daughters are currently enrolled in the Queen Anne's County School District. He also has three grandchildren.
In the past, Mr. Donadio served on the Bayside Parent Teacher's Association (PTA) in Stevensville, Maryland. He was elected to the Parish Council at St. Christopher's Church in Chester, Maryland. He was also elected to lead the Knights of Columbus Council in Chester.
In 2014, Mr. Donadio was a candidate for Queen Anne's County Judge of the Orphans' Court. In that same year he was elected to the Queen Anne's County Republican Central Committee. Since 2014, he has been serving as a Committeeman on the Republican Central Committee. In January 2017, he was appointed the Sergeant at Arms of the Maryland Republican Party by the Honorable Dirk Haire. whom is the Chair of the MDGOP.
Mr. Donadio holds respectable credentials that includes being a former member of the U.S. Secret Service and a Military War Veteran. He has also served in the volunteer ambulance and fire department during his career.
Mr. Donadio stated "I am seriously considering running for an At-Large position on Board of Education in Queen Anne's County, Maryland." He also said " I plan to meet with parents, community education groups and education professionals to hear their suggestions and concerns regarding improving Queen Anne's County Schools."
Mr. Donadio stated that if elected to Board of Education, he would focus on keeping our children off drugs, increasing education opportunities to our children, supporting our Teachers and continued support of anti-bulling programs.